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A kickoff email is on the way to your inbox. I’m thrilled that we get to navigate life’s twists and turns together.

Twice a month, I’ll share my reflections, penetrating questions, and prompts to help you build your Life Brief practice.

Thanks for joining me.

Live creatively.
Live courageously.

Here are some actionable examples to get you started. 


Ease into Your Life Brief

Try playing with your minimum edge. Here are 5 questions to kick off your next Life Brief.


What is Creative Living?

Creativity is a mindset. It’s about the attitude and approach…it’s about being idea-led.


Finding Meaning in Your Mess

If you only take away ONE exercise from The Life Brief practice, this is it.


Bend Time

Are you too busy to write your brief? I used to be a time maximalist. Now I’m a time minimalist.


Are You Feeling the Burn(out)?

Before you find your rhythm, get clear about your conditions.


Move Into Action

Are you ready to declare what you want? How to name 5 things you are ready for right now.